Call to Donate



Additional thanks are also being offered to the generous hearts of the Coldwell Banker Schmitt Real Estate agents, affiliates and business partners, which makes this funding available. Again, we give our thanks to all involved in this wonderful donation to help support our Florida Keys  community."

"Our business is homes, our passion is helping."

Who We Help

  • Emily,  a 7 year old Lower Keys girl, was diagnosed with kidney cancer. After having surgery at Miami Children's Hospital to remove the tumor and kidney, she faced 18 weeks of chemotherapy,  traveling with her parents from Key West to Miami for treatments. Through a special Bingo Benefit, the Foundation was able to assist her with travel, food, lodging and living  expenses during this critical time.

  • We provided help to three victims of catastrophic auto accidents and their families. Helped with financial support a young mother of three with breast cancer; a liver transplant survivor with back rent; and an esophageal cancer victim with his house payment.

  • We helped eight applicants who were single women with children, mothers taking care of grandmothers, great-grandmothers, siblings and their own children, struggling to exist.

  • What a delight to be able to help a six year old girl with Cerebral Palsy and her grandparents move into their own home; made possible by our generous donors providing funds for closing costs and installation of an elevator. Thanks to our partners at the Fishermen's Hospital Association Board of Directors. 

  • A three year old girl born blind is learning Braille thanks to our donors furnishing Braille teaching materials to the girl and her teacher.


  • After the accidental death of his wife, a widowed man needed assistance with household expenses and trombone lessons for their 10 year old son; music helped ease the pain. A young widow with a toddler also needed help with funeral expenses and rent.

  • We received a heartfelt letter from a young man requesting assistance "so he could learn and better himself." After living with his father who kept him out of school, he is now, at 17, living with his mother. His attempt at public school after missing so many years was unsuccessful, however, thanks to generous donations, he is getting his high school diploma online. 

The money that is raised through our various fundraising efforts, is used to help residents of The Keys whose critical needs are not being met through other means. These funds are distributed in the Florida Keys to qualified applicants to bridge a financial gap caused by some unfortunate, yet temporary, situation.

These are just a few of their stories...

A note from our neighbors:
"Burton Memorial United Methodist Church, would like to share their grateful thanks to the Coldwell Banker Schmitt Charitable Foundation for their generous support to Burton’s Food Pantry. Our Food Pantry provides help to hundreds of people per month. Many of these recipients are children. It is run solely by volunteers and funded and stocked by private donations. Because of the generosity of Coldwell Banker Schmitt Charitable Foundation, individuals and families in times of need or hardship, will not go hungry. The Coldwell Banker Schmitt Charitable Foundation will touch lives and have a positive impact on many residents here in our community.